Intermittent fasting for belly fat loss

Intermittent fasting for belly fat loss

Intermittent fasting is cyclic fasting. It is basically having a 24-hour period split into fasting and non-fasting windows. Fast for 16 hours and eat in the remaining 8 hours.

I am new to intermittent fasting. I started it two weeks ago and so far it is going well. My goal is to lower my body fat percentage from 20% to 12-15%. I am not overweight or obese by any means.



This is the most popular method of intermittent fasting. Fasting for 16 hours and eating for the remaining 8 hours. During the fasting period only water, black unsweetened coffee, unsweetened green or black tea are allowed. No food, no caloric intake. This is the method of intermittent fasting that I use. This method is best for beginners to intermittent fasting.

The fasting period you choose should be based on your daily schedule. For example, the fasting period can be from 8pm the night before until midday the next day. The eating period will be from midday until 8pm. If you prefer to eat breakfast in the morning you can choose the eating period from 8am until 4pm and fasting period from 4pm until 8am the next day. The idea is to fast for 16 hours and eat in the remaining 8 hours. For good compliance flexibility is key.

My fasting period is 8pm until midday the next day and eating period from midday until 8pm.

I perform intermittent fasting 3 days per week. I have started to see a reduction in my belly fat already. Initially you will see loss of body fat but not weight loss. Bear this in mind and do not become discouraged. The weight loss will soon follow.


        This type of intermittent fasting, for 5 days of the week you eat normally and the other 2 days you fast by restricting caloric intake         to 500-600 calories per day.


        With this type of intermittent fasting you eat on Sunday, then fast on Monday, eat on Tuesday, fast on Wednesday and continue on     that trend for the rest of the week. On the fasting days the caloric intake is limited to 500-600 calories per day.


        This is an extreme method of fasting and weight loss. With this   method, the fasting period is 20 hours and the eating period is 4 hours. During the fasting period you can eat in small portions fruits, raw vegetables, yogurt, cottage cheese, boiled eggs and drink water and unsweetened coffee or tea.

        In the 4-hour eating period eat a large meal consisting for protein, carbohydrates, fat, grains and dairy.


        With this method, for 2 non-consecutive days a week the fasting period is for 24hrs and for the next 5 days regular eating. This     method can be challenging and should NOT be attempted by a beginner to intermittent fasting.


These are a few reasons why intermittent fasting can help to loss fat and weight

  • Eating fewer meals daily or weekly reduces your overall calorie intake
  • Fasting may also regulate levels of leptin, the hormone that influences hunger and appetite
  • Short-term fasting (24hr period) can increase the metabolic rate which in turn burns more calories. Fasting continuously for 3 days or more decreases the metabolic rate.
  • During a prolonged period of fasting ie. 12hrs or more the body uses fat stores as energy instead of glucose
  • Human growth hormone increases during fasting and this increase enhances lipolysis (fat loss)


  • Ease into your fast. Most people naturally fast about 12 hours between dinner and breakfast. Slowly let your body get used to a 16 hour fast by adding an hour a day to your fasting period until you reach 16 hours.
  • Set a schedule and do your best to stick to it. This should help to regulate any hunger pangs and create a mental habit of eating at specific times.
  • Drink plenty of water during the fasting period. The hunger feeling may actually be thirst. It is also important to remain well hydrated.
  • If taking fat-soluble supplements like Vitamins A,D, E or K. These are best taken with meals.
  • Working out at a moderate pace during the fasting period is ok, however if you feel weak during the workout postpone the workout until during the non-fasted period after a meal.
  • Eat a balanced diet during the eating period and do not over eat. Stay within the limits of your regular caloric intake based on age, gender and weight.
  • Listen to your body and tailor the intermittent fasting to your needs. Use the method that is most realistic and easiest to maintain.

In conclusion, intermittent fasting is a proven way to lose belly fat and weight. It takes a bit of getting used to the idea and feeling of fasting but it CAN be done. For the first few days when starting intermittent fasting you will feel hungry and faint during the fasting period. These feelings WILL subside after a few days when your body gets used to the new process. Intermittent fasting can be done every day, every other day or just a few days a week. It is a very flexible way to achieve fat loss.

Is intermittent fasting for everyone? No. The following categories of persons should NOT attempt intermittent fasting. Diabetics, pregnant or breast feeding, children, underweight individuals, persons with eating disorders and persons with thyroid dysfunction.

I look forward to hearing about your intermittent fasting journey.

Good luck!

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